Only Nine Days Till New Year

Warmest greetings to you!

Only nine days are left till 2020, and I am getting all excited for it. For the last few days, Masaki, an imaginary friend * of mine decided to do something special… “9 Days of Bullet Journal”!

(* well, I guess many of you might be confused why I have so many “imaginary friends”… Actually, these people are characters in my stories and I love them to well to call just “character”… After all, they have helped me so much!)

Starting something creative on a study break is surely one of my favourite guilty pleasures! 😀
Copyrights Dragon Warrior

I am really excited to write guest posts on his BuJo from Masaki’s POV… Hope you like them! 😀

With love,

Dragon Warrior ❤

67 thoughts on “Only Nine Days Till New Year

    1. こんにちは!!お元気ですか?新年がとても楽しみです!<3

      Liked by 1 person

      1. こんばんは!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. そんな…大変でしたね 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 私は毎年、靖國神社と伊勢神宮にはお詣りに行きます。
        Google アースの写真で拡大して見られるよ〜👍

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      1. I agree William. Both the kinds of friends have their positives and downsides. Though actually I prefer real-life friends, for imaginary friends kind of have a tendency to disappear.

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      2. Yeah. Friends can betray, they can help you achieve. Though everything has his own downside, and positives. I was once betrayed by one of my best friend who did unexpected behaviour with my blog. I wonder how would you would have feel if you were in my place but never mind. Moreover, how would you feel if you were the one who betrayed me? Just asking dear Stills, not really mean it.

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      3. Well William, I must say it’s a unique question. Were I in your place, I’d have felt shocked and hurt, but would try to move on and make new friends as quickly as possible. Was I in the betrayer’s place; well I must say that a person just won’t betray someone without a reason. Either that person is jealous of you, in which the No. 1 thing is to stay away from him and /or to hide everything about your personal life from him. Else, just see. Maybe the person has some trouble at home or work and needs help, or has the scars still fresh of an injury inflicted upon by words or betrayal and is trying to take his revenge on the world.

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      4. Though the betrayer would have an insincere smile upon his face. Though, not always the person who is betrayed is jealous or any other stuff like that. There must be another reason for why the the betrayer betrayed him. Cause voltage must be bolting through him, and he would be feeling like a dead ocean. You really have a great thinking of how a betrayer looks like. Probably you have one it before? No offence. Just asking my dear friend……

        Liked by 3 people

      5. Cause voltage must be bolting through him, and he would be feeling like a dead ocean? The former phrase you used was the title to one of my posts, and the latter was a phrase I used also. But right now, I’d forgive you for plagiarism. Well, when you got betrayed, how old was the betrayer? I wonder, if it was child, it could have just been a mischief, or a simple way to irritate or trouble you. That’s how youth is, brimful of trouble but fun to say the least. ‘Cause the idea of a fully grown and mature person who doesn’t suffer from any mental illness (no offense to anyone here, we include anyone and everyone), messing with your blog and doing antics with it sounds stupid and improbable. Well, about I being a betrayer; well you never know about your actions and what others will take it as. What I’m speaking off here is from experience of both being betrayed (and maybe) betraying someone else, but more off from what my wise mother told me (what I’ve said above has greatly helped me in life, in both choosing my friends and being a good friend).

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      6. Do you also know that your tittle of blog is from another blogger’s post. His name is Watt. He is forgiving you for plagiarism. Ok, I don’t want to take this topic anymore. Let’s end this here. Perhaps, more anecdotes will soon start and this will not come to an end. Moreover, I think you might decode the word fun here. A person is trusting you and in return you are betraying him. I think this is not fun perhaps it may be for you but as I think it is no pleasure for a normal person with a brain and thinking capacity. ( No offence )

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      7. Yes, i do know the blogger Watt. In case you did not notice it, William; I’m the same person as Scott Rainer and I’ve made that public. I know Watt in real life, and he was the one who asked me to title my blog as ‘Sickeningly Beautiful’ which is actually from the lyrics of a Lana Del Rey song (and I greatly revere him for that). About you saying that nobody would betray somebody else for fun, I think I said that a child would do that and no grown-up who has a sound mind (and I wanted to ask you if the particular person who betrayed you was a child).

        No offence, but there were a few grammatical and spelling errors in your previous 3 comments which you might want to check out.

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      8. Well, I didn’t mean to say anything like that. I was just telling you that there were a few grammatical and spelling errors in your comments, which could be anything from typos, to errors made intentially to intensify the power and meaning of the comment.

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      9. Hi, sorry to interrupt you two, but is everything alright? And are you really Scott Rainer? I mean, I knew him… Wow, Stills! Why did you change the blog? I hope nothing bad happened? Merry Christmas Eve to you!

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      10. Yes, it’s true. I’m Stills, and in case you don’t believe me, you can see the last post on my previous blog ‘on blunt scattered oceans’. Well, as Scott Rainer, I had some bad times and conflicts with some bloggers including William, and to put those bad times behind, I started a new blog. Merry Christmas to you too!!

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      11. Hi! Merry Christmas Eve to you too!! Today evening I’ve a flight. To where, I’ll tell you tomorrow. (I’ll send you the pictures, and perhaps you can guess).
        What about you? What are you planning to do?

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      12. I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable, but whom do you live with? Where are you from, and how old are you?
        I wouldn’t ask you your real name (’cause that would really be disturbing to someone’s privacy), but please tell us a little more about about yourself!!

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      13. I live with my parents and younger sister, 15 year old who lives in a magical planet called Cygnet 😀
        (sorry, but I don’t believe in concept of countries that divide the Earth and I’ve really started to believe myself a resident of a dreamy place where rules of reality have no control… Hope you aren’t disappointed )

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      14. Nice! I don’t really believe in the idea of countries either. Of course, I’m not disappointed. Rather, I”m quite excited by the imagination capacity of the people of earth itself!!

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